License and downloads
Here, you will find the licensing conditions along with instructions on how to download the various components of the drivePACK project ( downloading and using any of the files here provided implies accepting projects license ):
   - project license
   - schematics and PCB download.
   - frimware download.
   - drivePACK Editor software download.

drivePACK project license
Unless otherwise stated by the copyright holder, the software, hardware design, and any other content of the drivePACK project is distributed under by-nc-sa 4.0 license . You can build your own unit, or use any information here provided as you want while you follow the by-nc-sa 4.0 license conditions. If you are planning to use any part of the drivePACK design with a potentially commercial use, please contact me in advance.

Limitation of Liability: In no event and under no legal theory, whether in tort (including negligence), contract, or otherwise, unless required by applicable law (such as deliberate and grossly negligent acts) or agreed to in writing, shall the author be liable for any damages, including any direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages of any character arising as a result of this License or out of the use or inability to use the software (including but not limited to damages for loss of goodwill, work stoppage, computer failure or malfunction, or any and all other commercial damages or losses), even if the author has been advised of the possibility of such damages.
drivePACK schematics and PCB download
The schematics and PCBs of the drivePACK project have been created with KiCad 6.0. Most part of the components used in the boards are SMD, and trying to assemble them is not recomended to people without experience on assembling these kind of circuits. All the components have been acquired in Mouser and Digikey. The only component difficult to find is the zebra connector ( I managed to get them in large quantities through a dealer of the company I work ) but they can be cannibalized from old ROM PACK cartridges.

The KiCad projects with the different schematics and PCBs (and GERBERs) are available here: drivepackhw.git

The latest version of the schematics can also be obtained as a PDF schematics_rev0_1

Routing shcema of the hat, base and cart header PCBs.

drivePACK firmware download
The firmware has been developed in C and assembly language on Microchip Studio 7.0 environment. The firwmare can be modified and rebuilt with that tool. An Atmel-ICE, a JLink or any other SWD-JTAG programmer is necessary to program the flash memory, the fuses, and to debug the firmware on-chip. The source code can be found on the following repository:

These are the last versions of the drivePACK firmware compiled and prepared to be uploaded to the drivePACK ( the procedure to upload new firmware to the drivePACK with the bootloader is explained in the user guide ):
  - drive PACK firmware v 0.5: support for Long File Names. Detection of the end of ROM PACK content mark to avoid overdumping when dumping original ROM PACK cartridges.
  - drive PACK firmware v 0.4: fixed some compatibility problems wiht the PT-50 models. Improvements on the "Load & run" and "Receive & run" menú options to reduce the turn arround time and to improve the user experience.
  - drive PACK firmware v 0.3: first released firmware version.
drivePACK Editor software download
The drivePACK Editor has been developed in Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2022(v 17.7.0) and requires a Windows 10 compatible PC. It can be downloaded directly as an executable, or alternatively as a Visual Studio project that can be modified and compiled. It uses and requires bernhardelbl's BeHex control available here. The source code of the drivePACK Editor can be found on the following repository:
You can contact me here.
... this page was last updated by Tolaemon on 10-2023 ...

Creative Commons Licence